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Today is the 10th anniversary of Proton's 2014 crowdfunding campaign where the community came together to make our journey possible.

From the start, Proton has always put people ahead of profits, and today we're formalizing that by transitioning towards a non-profit structure.

We're here to serve you, and we look forward to continuing to commit Proton to the public good for the next 10 years and beyond.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Proton

hey @protonprivacy, mind adding alt text to the image for the visually impaired?
A person standing on the side of a snowy hill/mountain, with a square around the image and the text "Proton Foundation" visible<br>
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Proton

Wishing for many more years to come
Any plans to develop apps for EMUI based phones?
in reply to Proton

#Proton’s been great, but if you believe the “people before profits” mantra never evolves into “*some* people before profits,” then I have a bridge to donate to your foundation.

“Profits” aren’t evil. They’re just the result of customers exchanging *their* profits for the result of your work.

The evil comes from disconnecting that exchange by relying on sustenance from non-users. That can just as easily come from donors or governments as it can from advertisers.

in reply to Proton

This is one of the best announcements I've received. Kudos!
in reply to Johns

@Johns_priv Hi there, as the linked article states, the identity and location of the activist was already known to the French authorities.

We also provide an official Proton Mail onion site for use with the Tor network for those seeking anonymity.

It’s also important to differentiate that VPN is not classified as a communication tool in Switzerland — Proton VPN does not log IPs and there are no existing Swiss laws that can compel us to do so.

in reply to Proton

Thank you for your reply and explanation. I'll have to look again at your products in deep, as a Catalan pro-independece I never know when a Spanish government may declare my position illegal and label me a terrorist
in reply to Johns

@Johns_priv Regarding that case, the name/address of the terrorism suspect was actually given to police by Apple, not Proton. The terror suspect added their real-life Apple email as an optional recovery address in Proton Mail. Proton can't decrypt data, but in terror cases Swiss courts can obtain recovery email.

Setting a recovery email is optional, and you can read about other recovery methods here:

in reply to Proton

The construct sounds similar to that used by OpenAI?
in reply to Proton

awesome news! Thank you for everything you're doing.

And happy birthday! :vivaldia_heart:

in reply to Proton

so this more like the OpenAI take on nfp structure than the Signal/Mozilla take on nfp?
in reply to Proton

That‘s great! Wish you all the best and i‘m happy to be a Proton User, especially now with this important and right step of Proton!🙏
in reply to Proton

I like Proton, and I intend to continue to use its services. But this decision is baffling.

It seems like Proton doesn't understand nonprofits. If you want to be a nonprofit, be one. For-profit subsidiaries are smoke and mirrors. Mozilla does the same, yet you balk while emulating them. You even balk at donations, but a nonprofit that disdains its donors isn't sustainable.

This isn't the win you are making it out to be.