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Jefferson Morley: In El Salvador, the Reagan administration backed an ultra-right faction of the military led by intelligence officer Roberto d'Aubuisson who was trained at the CIA-run International Police Academy in Washington. D'Aubuisson masterminded the assassination of Monsignor Romero in March 1980 and commanded the death squads that liquidated civilians in favor of peaceful change. In Guatemala, the ultra-right celebrated Reagan's elections and stepped up its campaign of kidnapping opponents in the capital and massacring peasants in the countryside. ... In 1993, the UN Truth Commission found that 85 percent of the deaths of civilian non-combatants in El Salvador were attributable to government forces. Only 5 percent could be attributed to the left. In other words, the security forces armed and trained by the United States were 17 times more likely to be responsible for political murders than the anti-U.S. forces.