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R. Palme Dutt: The whole propaganda of imperialism, of the Governments and the press, teaches the people on both sides to see as the main enemy the aggressive designs of the foreign imperialism, never of their own. Therefore, they remain, in fact, enslaved to imperialism and its wars. The mutual fears of the aggressive aims of the enemy imperialism cancel out the common desire of the overwhelming majority of the people in both countries for peace. The imperialist gangsters take advantage of these fears of the people, of this natural desire for national independence, to trap the people into support of their war of spoliation. Under the pretence that the war is for national defence, for the defence of the independence of the nation, they send the armies, the warships and planes to the furthest ends of the earth for the enslavement of other nations and for the battle against rival exploiters over the spoils and conquests of foreign domination.