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A. Leontiev: Under conditions of the general crisis of capitalism, Social-Democracy completes its course of treachery. The roots of opportunist degeneration had deeply penetrated the parties of the Second International even before the period of the war. The World War clearly exposed the complete treachery of international Social-Democracy to the interests of the working class. The social-patriots and social-chauvinists in each country supported the bourgeoisie of “their own fatherland” in its annexationist policies. After the war, Social-Democracy was the force which played the biggest and leading role in suppressing the workers’ uprisings. In all countries the Social-Democrats saved their “own” capitalism, not stopping at the vilest means of struggle against the revolutionary vanguard of the working class. In this situation the bourgeoisie is continually passing over to fascist methods of dictatorship. To the Social-Democrats, as to the fascists, the most dangerous enemy is the revolutionary proletariat. When in power the Social-Democrats' employ the methods characteristic of fascism more and more in their struggle against the revolutionary forces Cf the proletariat. At the same time, Social- Democracy clears the way for the fascist advent to power. This was most clearly seen in Germany.