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Lenin: Let the kept bourgeois press howl to the whole world about each mistake made by our revolution. We are not afraid of our mistakes. Men have not become saints because the revolution has begun. The toiling classes, oppressed and downtrodden for centuries and forced into the clutches of poverty, savagery and ignorance, cannot be expected to bring about a revolution flawlessly. And the cadaver of bourgeois society ... cannot be nailed in a casket and buried. Defeated capitalism is dying and rotting around us, polluting the air with germs and poisoning our lives, grasping the new, the fresh, the young and the live with thousands of threads and bonds of the old, the rotten, the dead. For every hundred mistakes of ours heralded to the world by the bourgeoisie and its lackeys ... there are 10,000 great and heroic deeds, the greater and the more heroic for their simplicity .. performed by men who are not used to (and who do not have the opportunity to) herald their achievements to the world. But even if the contrary were true-although I know this supposition to be incorrect-even if there were 10,000 mistakes for every 100 correct actions of ours, even in that case our revolution would be great and invincible, and so it will be in the eyes of world history, because for the first time not the minority, not only the rich, not only the educated, but the real masses, the vast majority of toilers are themselves building a new life, are deciding by their own experience the most difficult problems of Socialist organization.