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R. Palme Dutt: Lenin showed that imperialism is moribund capitalism, that imperialism is the eve of the Lenin on imperialism socialist revolution of the proletariat. In his work on the foundations of Leninism, Stalin points out that Marx and Engels lived and fought at a time when imperialism had not yet developed, in a period of the preparation of the proletariat for revolution, whereas Lenin's revolutionary activity was effected within the period of developed imperialism, the period of the unfolding proletarian revolution. Leninism is the further development of Marxism under new conditions, under the conditions of the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolutions. It follows, therefore, that at this time one cannot be a Marxist without being a Leninist. It also follows that to deny the Leninist theory of imperialism is to break away entirely from Marxism. It is clear from this that any distortion or mistake in the theory of imperialism inevitably means a break with revolutionary Marxism-Leninism.