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Daniel Estulin: Prior to media's "humanitarian" propaganda campaigns, neither Somalia nor Kosovo and certainly not Sudan figured prominently among the typical American's concerns. In fact, over 85% of American public could not find Sudan on the world map. The same could be said for Somalia and certainly Kosovo, not to mention Iraq prior to the Desert Storm invasion in 1991. 87% of Americans didn't know where Iraq was on the map and had no idea who Saddam Hussein was until CNN's diligent, relentless efforts to indoctrinate the American public made those military campaigns possible. Nevertheless, what's absolutely mind-boggling is that the public never questioned any of it (U.S. invasion of Iraq in 1991 and again in 2003). By the end of 2010, more than one and a half million innocent Iraqis are dead, along with Saddam Hussein, 5,000+ American troops and unknown tens of thousands maimed for life who are "liberating" the country on behalf of British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Halliburton, Blackwater, Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank of America, CitiGroup and an unending plethora of multinational corporations, all vying for a piece of an Iraqi sweepstakes and wealth.