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K. V. Ostrovityanov: In the first phase of communism, social or socialist property exists in two forms; (1) State property and (2) co-operative and collective farm property. State socialist property is the property of the whole of the Soviet people, vested in the Socialist State of workers and peasants. Co-operative and collective farm socialist property is the property of individual collective farms and co-operative unions. To the two forms of socialist property there correspond two forms of socialist economy: (1) State enterprise (factories, mills, State farms, M.T .S., etc.) and (2) co-operative (collective) economy (collective farms, industrial artels, enterprises of the consumer co-operatives). The existence of the two forms of socialist property is the result of the historical conditions in which the proletarian revolution and the construction of communism take place. Having won State power, the working class finds in existence different forms of private property which have evolved in the course of history: on the one hand, large-scale capitalist property based on the exploitation of hired labour and, on the other, small-scale private property of the peasants, artisans and handicraftsmen which is based on their personal labour. In the course of the socialist revolution large-scale capitalist property is expropriated and passes into the hands of the socialist State. Hence there arises State (public) socialist property.