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R. Palme Dutt: Fascism is thus a form of dictatorship of monopoly capital. It is a form appearing at a late stage in monopoly capitalist development, during the general crisis of capitalism, after the international working-class revolution has opened, when all the economic, social and political contradictions of capitalism have become extremely acute. It is a form characteristic of a high degree of monopoly capitalist concentration, and greatly accelerates further concentration. It is a form characteristic of an advanced stage of the class struggle, when the old Liberal (or, in the post-war form, Social Democratic) methods of deception of the workers and attempted conciliation of the class struggle no longer prove adequate for the maintenance of capitalist supremacy, and it becomes necessary for the capitalist dictatorship to proceed to open repressive measures and terrorist methods. Fascism promotes in the economic field the close fusion of the State machine with the banks and trusts. Corresponding to this narrowed economic dictatorship, Fascism re-moulds the forms of the State to reflect the open political domination of the ruling oligarchy, restricts the sphere of Parliament, and seeks to subject all forms of political expression and organisation to unified governmental control. To curb the class struggle, Fascism abolishes the right to strike, establishes state regulation of wages, prices and labour conditions, and replaces independent working-class organisation by the " corporate system" or "labour front," the joint organisation of the workers, employers and state representatives under the control of the dictatorship of monopoly capital. For propaganda purposes all these measures are covered up under social demagogy about the " new type of (German, British, French, etc.) socialism, social security," community of interests, national unity," " abolition of capitalist exploitation," restriction of profits," " replacement of the profit motive by social service," recognition of the rights of labour," etc.-all which is contrasted with the sinister disruptive aims of " Marxism " or " Communism," which is presented as the enemy underlying every form of opposition or independent expression. Corresponding to the expansionist imperialist aims of the dominant sections of monopoly capital, Fascism organises the entire society for war, and freely uses the mask of " national patriotism " (alongside " religion " and " spiritual regeneration") to conceal its aims, together with denunciations of ' 'treachery' against all opposing forces. All these characteristics of Fascism are characteristics of the open, violent dictatorship of the most powerful, reactionary, chauvinist sections of monopoly capital.