2º Aniversário da Fundação das Secções do Comintern (EH) - 8 de Novembro de 2013 ciml.250x.com/sections/portugu…
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2014_25 de Maio_Boicotemos as eleições burguesas para o “Parlamento Europeu” ciml.250x.com/sections/portugu…
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'O ponto de vista comunista sobre o voto nulo' (Gabriel Landi Fazzio) emdefesadocomunismo.com.br/o-p…
"A bandeira vermelha sobre Berlim: entendendo a história por trás da foto" novacultura.info/post/2024/05/…
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The raw surrealness that hits you from time to time when transitioning...
I thought I was a guy... now I'm thinking of myself as a woman.
I used to look in the mirror and always feel blah, and unmemorable unattractive face... now I see a face I genuinely recognize and remember, a face that I can feel attractive wearing (even if I'm not my own type and will never really see it myself)
My hair which was always just an uninteresting mess... turns out it likes to naturally grow into a cute bob (though I'd still like to try styling it more).
Oh... and boobs, just boobs.
Douglas Floyd
in reply to Shiri Bailem • • •I have seen a lot of people use anime gao kigurumi as a mental help and encouragement with transitioning, just because the hadatai covers imperfections up, and with shapewear, people see what they would like to have.
It is a tough road.
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