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This is two years old but could easily be mistaken for current news.

Also a great summary of the whole situation and still entirely relevant.

#israel #israel-gaza #Israel-GazaWar #Palestine #palestine-israelConflict

Ooof, just watched the new episode of Dimension 20.

Dropout is genuinely super fantastic about content warnings on their content... but they fell a little short on this one, mostly because they did something new and extreme... and didn't realize that they needed stronger warnings.

And of course in the FB group there are a whole bunch of people going "It's not their fault you didn't read the content warnings" like douches.


in reply to Shiri Bailem

Managing a food forest, helping others build sustainable housing, and making music. Maybe being a part of a small herd of goats for weed control purposes. Maybe a couple of corvid friends.