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Having a really low day... I could barely sleep last night, struggling with insomnia, ADHD, and pain.

Pain especially... it's finally starting to cool off a little and my chronic joint pain is through the roof, and I just got off a week of being sick with a cold.

I'm really depressed right now and feeling trapped. My car has been out of commission since February and my joint pain makes it hurt so much to walk places (and taking the bus still involves a significant amount of walking/standing)... so I've hardly left the house all year.

I hardly see anybody and I'm really lonely, if I didn't have my sibling living with me I don't know how I'd survive.

Please send some kind words to fight off the intrusive thoughts.

#disability #depression #ChronicPain

Jon_ThinksATYou reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

ugh no car is the wooorst feeling. I feel you I have the ADHD and the insomnia it comes with and it's no joke.

Sending big old hugs and I hope the weather gives you a break soon.

I've been staving off the season change doldrums I can feel coming by buying a bunch of lava lamps, but I can't recommend my methods they are always ill-advised. ❤

in reply to Shiri Bailem

I relate too well to your pain and situation. Disability is enough challenge to occupy a person without also adding financial issues and social alienation. But they all come as a package I guess. If you are feeling that spiral down into your self and the all encompassing problem, I hope that you can redirect your attention and escape into somthing lighter. If you can pull focus to a more positive anything, it can help soften the misery. Here is a picture of frogs In a witches hat for tangentially related reasons:

I'm pretty sure even AI supporters can agree we really need to institute some sort of laws around mandatory labeling of AI generated content.


in reply to Calamity Caitlin

@Calamity Caitlin you mean 80% of the reason we need such a law? (the other 20% being rampant AI generated misinformation)

Dear lord... I feel the need to sit people down and do a Copyright 101 class...

I just saw someone call Creative Commons a "type" of copyright...

Only half joking, if people would actually listen I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Jason Kautz :warriors: reshared this.

in reply to Shiri Bailem

All the AI stuff, regardless of your stance on it, has really shown me how little artists understand copyright. What rights they have and what rights they do not have, and in general how any of it works.
in reply to Shiri Bailem

  • I will not mock people for not knowing any better, we don't teach this well and there are so many myths circling


Made a performance tweak that shouldn't have had an impact and resulted in a non-error being flagged as an error (I was getting 302 which really just means "look at this other address").

Fixed the tweak, otherwise should be a tiny bit better. I've got it recognizing a lot of the potential errors and better skipping between servers if one of them acts up.

Public Status Page

I finally went and set up a public facing status page for the site.

You can go to to see the site uptime. This will tell you if the site is currently reporting up, as well as every time it's gone down.

I've had StatusCake set up for a while so it emails me whenever the site goes down, but I haven't had the public page set up.

I'll try to keep up on putting notes on any downtime, though I can't promise they'll always be helpful (the most recent 15 minute downtime has me stumped as it resolved right as I sat down at my computer to look it up, and the error logs were very uninformative as to what may have happened).

in reply to Server News

If anyone wonders why you could reach the server for a bit, but it was giving errors: the database takes some time to reboot due to it's size and activity.