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Martin Luther King, Jr.: Freedom only comes through persistent revolt, through persistent agitation, through persistently rising up against the system of evil.…

James Connolly: Legislation does not control the Lords of Industry; it is the Lords of Industry who control legislation. As we have often put it: The Class which rules industrially will rule politically.…

Minor Caching Issue

I was notified of a little glitch causing some pages to show the admin view and excess two-factor prompts. This appears to have been a server caching issue. This would not have exposed any data or granted any special access, it was just a static cache of content being shown instead of sending it to the server code to save time.

The caching was only supposed to impact image files, but it looks like it somehow grabbed some page files too.

As server performance is now much better than it was when I implemented caching, and the performance difference is now negligble, I have opted to turn off caching for the time being.

If you experienced this problem, it should go away with just a refresh of the page.

You want a great debate to fall into?

Start debating someone on logical fallacies and what falls under what fallacy... the conversation is interesting to say the least lol

Unknown parent

Shiri Bailem

@milquetoast :milquetoast: This!

But in this case we were debating on exact definitions of appeal to authority, and it devolved a little because I gave the example "Are you a doctor? Because Dr. Phil says..." and they called it Ad Hominem...

We settled on it depends on the context of said statement, but it's ultimately appeal to authority in both cases, just in some contexts it's also ad hominem

Random thought of a brighter aspect of the #ai future:

We're not too far off from AI video editing, and imagine writing out a list of all your triggers, loading it into an AI, and then having it edited movies and tv shows to remove all triggering content.


My autistic accent: vaguely northern US accent (emulated mostly from TV growing up), reflexive mimicking of vocal quirks around people I particularly respect (ie. like a faint lisp, or pieces of a thick accent), naturally monotone with occasional emulated attempts at emotional inflection (not super often, I don't have the effort to emulate inflection at the same time as emulating expression and I prioritize expression), difficulty with volume control (sensory and excitement based), moderate rate of speech.

Oh, and some canned phrases/responses I've picked up over the years, though at this point I have to pay attention to notice them.

Share your accent!

#autism #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticAccent

(Out of spoons, if someone gives me an image description for the set I'll edit to add it)…

reshared this

Outage - Database Stuck

... I can't get 1 day without issues apparently...

When I was asleep, it looks like the database got stuck in some sort of optimize process with everything stuck waiting on that.

Restarting the database server forced that process to clear and cleaned things up.

I suspect what happened was I got overzealous after things started working great and I set the background worker count too high (these workers automatically run in the background doing things like updating contacts, downloading posts, etc).

I tuned that setting down, and increased the number of connections the database allows.

Performance Issues - Tentatively Resolved?

I feel really dumb for not noticing the cause sooner, I most attribute it to the rareness of the problem and the inconsistency at which it occurred.

I use a virtual server environment for my servers, and one of my measures to improve reliability and performance was to have two instances of the webserver behind a load balancer. In laymen's terms, whenever you're connecting you're assigned to whichever has the least connections and they're otherwise identical (same files, connect to the same database, etc).

Well... turns out when I duplicated the server initially, the software decided to not change the MAC address. Laymen's: The ip address of the server is different, but the network uses the mac address to map ip addresses to boxes, if two boxes have the same mac address then traffic is going to sporadically and randomly switch between them... but also with a bad IP address which means half of the traffic is always getting rejected.

So your connection to the load balancer was fine, but it was struggling to connect to the webservers and the webservers were struggling to connect to the database.

Once I changed that the server immediately became quite zippy!

My sincere apologies for the impact.

in reply to Server News

Oh, and I noticed this started around the time I set up the second server. But I was already having performance impacts before then (the second server was created to address that)... but because I only ever turned off the load balancer or directed it to one server without fully shutting down one of them, I never realized it was a low level network issue. (And pings were working fine... except when they weren't, and it was random chance to catch what was happening)