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Felix Dzerzhinsky: Where lies the way out of the hell of present-day life, in which the wolfish law of exploitation, oppression and violence holds sway? The way out lies in the idea of a life which is based on harmony, a full life enjoyed by the whole of society, by all mankind; the way out is in the idea of socialism, the idea of solidarity of the working people.

Robert Parry: What we have now is the Reagan-Bush press corp. It's the press corp that they helped create - that they created partly by purging those, or encouraging the purging of those who were not going along, but it was ultimately the editors and the news executives that did the purging. The people who succeeded and did well were those who didn't stand up, who didn't write the big stories, who looked the other way when history was happening in front of them, and went along either consciously or just by cowardice with the deception of the American people.

John Stockwell: The CIA and the big corporations were, in my experience, in step with each other. Later I realized that they may argue about details of strategy - a small war here or there. However, both are vigorously committed to supporting the system.

Server Crash

Regarding the downtime that happened last night (while I was trying to sleep which is why it went on for so long).

The short version is a bunch of stuff clogged up the pipes, hung, and just needed a good ol' fashioned restart to fix. I've made some changes to help reduce the chance of that happening again, as always I'm sorry for the trouble.

The longer version is that the php worker processes hung and bogged down the database which brought the whole thing to a screeching halt.

I've changed the limits on those workers so they should have less impact and hopefully not do that again (the downside is that they'll be a little slower on federating updates, but most of the time that shouldn't be noticeable).

I've also taken advantage of the existing downtime to migrate the database over to a second machine with more memory. I originally intended to upgrade the memory of the machine it was on, but unfortunately made the mistake of buying the wrong chips. That plan is still pending. However by migrating it I was able to expand the memory usage significantly which should help performance, the downside is that it's a busier system so the CPU is occasionally busier and can sometimes have a negative performance impact (it's likely negligible but I'm not super confident of that).

In the next week or two I plan to do further hardware upgrades, but with the database migrated already it should be negligible if any downtime.

Once that's done, I'm hoping to implement some high availability options to further reduce downtimes.

in reply to Server News

If you're experiencing particularly slow load times on the network page (the default homepage with your main feed), one thing on your end you can tune is how many items it tries to load at one time.

Go to Settings -> Display -> Content/Layout and you can change "Number of items displayed per page".

Especially as an item includes a post and all of it's comments as one item, this can make a drastic performance difference (on my personal feed 40 takes >30 seconds to load sometimes, but 20 takes < 3 seconds)

Some updates since it's been a messy few days and I really should have said something sooner.

After a post of mine went viral, server encountered some load issues that kinda cascaded.

I've been gradually reducing the impact through tuning, and have ordered more ram sticks to expand the available ram on the server, as well as give me room on another server to provide redundancy (so it can try to spread the load between boxes).

Ram sticks for the second box will arrive tomorrow, I'll review how I want to approach things from there. No planned downtime for tomorrow, but a planned downtime for next Tuesday with the other ram sticks arrive.

Side note: I've made a custom error page to at least make it less painful, no blaring white, automatic attempts to refresh the page, and my email address to reach out about it if needed.

A quick test...

Ok, allegedly I've set up to post to Tumblr from my Friendica account... let's see if it works.
in reply to hadeantaiga

It's working partially.

I can post TO Tumblr, and Tumblr can see my comments, but Friendica isn't can't see the comments made to the post on Tumblr lol.

in reply to hadeantaiga

yeah i don’t see how that could even work, since tumblr comments aren’t happening on the fedi
in reply to skze

@skye 🏳️‍⚧️ he/him Yeah, it's a very weird conversation the two sites are having and I'm not sure how it's working, but the bottom line seems to be that I can post from Friendica to Tumblr, I can view my Tumblr timeline on Firendica, and I can reply to Tumblr posts via Friendica. Friendica just can't see new comments added to the posts *via* Tumblr.
in reply to skze

@skye 🏳️‍⚧️ he/him @hadeantaiga Friendica connects to Tumblr as a puppet account, so none of it is on the fediverse but just in the same feed.

I suppose they probably didn't connect the comments because that would get weird with a whole lot of comments being only visible to you (a whole of context management to figure out if you're replying via tumblr or AP, and whether or not the person you're talking to can see the relevant tumblr or AP comment)

It does offer a quick button to get to the original post immediately though, which is helpful (for Friendica users, the top right little arrow beside the network icon).

I think the feature mostly works to let you post and not worry about leaving a chunk of your audience out. Though I imagine it could use some work and if you have ideas they're always listening on the github:

Introduction post!

Hello! My name is Eli, I'm a transmasc butch from Tumblr. I'm slowly poking my way around the Fediverse and I'm looking for an interface that lets me do long-form blogging. Friendica is allegedly good for that, so here I am!

Grad student, certified "Moon Nerd".
Nonbinary butch transmasc. Masculine like a misty mountain forest, queer as in fuck you. Converting to Judaism slowly but surely.

Games: #Pathfinder #DnD #DragonAge #DiscoElysium #TheSims #CivilizationIV

TV: #Trigun #StarTrek #OurFlagMeansDeath #YouTubeVideoEssays

Books: #SherlockHolmes #TheExpanse #LordOfTheRings #TheHungerGames #SciFi #Fantasy

in reply to hadeantaiga

@hadeantaiga Welcome to the server/fediverse! And welcome as a fellow trans jewish convert!

I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have with Friendica and to help you figure out if it's the right place for you... but if you go somewhere else please link because you definitely have me interested in your introduction!

Also what's your Tumblr, Friendica supports following Tumblr feeds, and this spurred me on to finally setting up the Tumblr addon which allows crossposting to Tumblr (it does require access to your Tumblr to do so, but uses Oauth so doesn't have your password or control over your account, just the ability to post).

in reply to Shiri Bailem

@Shiri Bailem Oh my gosh that is PERFECT. I'm HadeanTaiga over on Tumblr too and I've been *searching* for a way to do longer posts like on Tumblr, and the fact that I can integrate Tumblr and the Fediverse here is like??? A dream come true???
in reply to hadeantaiga

@hadeantaiga friendica's upside is connecting to everything that allows it to connect, downside is that it's a little less user friendly.

Followed your tumblr!

in reply to hadeantaiga

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Planned Outage

Power company is coming to work on the power transformer next Monday (7/17).

I've been notified that the planned outage is for 9am to noon US Central Time.