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Sorry for the downtime, server crashed and I wasn't able to address it quickly or smoothly in my current mental state.

I took advantage of the downtime, and probably exacerbated it a little, and finally did the migration back to local hardware... so it *should* be more reliable.

What honestly stretched it out a lot is that I also applied the most recent stable Friendica version and that took forever to update the database.

Vanessa reshared this.

Stalin: Actually, Mr. Churchill, and his friends in Britain and the United States, present to the non-English speaking nations something in the nature of an ultimatum: “Accept our rule voluntarily, and then all will be well; otherwise war is inevitable.” But the nations shed their blood in the course of five years’ fierce war for the sake of the liberty and independence of their countries, and not in order to exchange the domination of the Hitlers for the domination of the Churchills. It is quite probable, accordingly, that the non-English-speaking nations, which constitute the vast majority of the population of the world, will not agree to submit to a new slavery.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: I miss the poor and genuine people who fought to abolish that master (Fascism) without turning into him.…

Muammar Gaddafi: Only the Arab rulers are afraid of America and Israel, not the Arab citizen... the rulers are afraid that they will be overthrown. If they were overthrown, it would be an honor to fall in the battle for Arab unity while confronting the Zionists and the imperialists!…

Nâzım Hikmet Ran: We will sink this pirate ship, we will sink it come hell or high water and we will build a world free, open, full of hope.…

Nexhmije Hoxha: The true Marxist-Leninist parties always take careful account of the stages of the revolution and have supported both the proletarian revolutions and the national liberation movements of the oppressed peoples … everywhere in the world, with all their might.…

Karl Marx: As Prometheus, having stolen fire from heaven, begins to build houses and to settle upon the earth, so philosophy, expanded to be the whole world, turns against the world of appearance. The same now with the philosophy of Hegel.…

Erich Honecker: There is no real democracy where the people who create value do not own the basic means of production. Where it operates, bourgeois democracy consists only of those freedoms that the workers were able to win from capital through struggle. Where power belongs to capital, the people are silenced. Democratic structures and mechanisms do not change anything. Their function ceases where profit and class interests come into play.…

Fidel Castro: Only socialism, only communism, only a society without the exploited or exploiters, only a classless society can solve the problem of man, minorities and national majorities.…

Herbert Spencer: Bear constantly in mind the truth that the aim of your discipline should be to produce a self-governing being; not to produce a being to be governed by others.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: As long as man exploits man, as long as mankind is divided into masters and slaves, there will be neither normality nor peace. This is the reason for all the evil of our time. (…) From this division comes tragedy and death.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: I harbor a visceral, deep, irreducible, hatred against the bourgeoisie, against its sufficiency, its vulgarity; a mythical hatred, or, if you prefer, religious.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: The Church can only be reactionary; the Church can only be on the side of power; the Church can only accept the authoritarian and formal rules of society; the Church can only accept hierarchical societies in which the ruling class guarantees order; the Church can only hate every form of thought that is even only timidly free; the Church can only be opposed to any anti-repressive innovation (…); the Church can only act completely outside the teachings of the Gospel; the Church can only make practical decisions by formally referring to the name of God, and sometimes even forgetting to do so; the Church can only impose hope verbally, because her own experience of human actions forbids her to nourish every kind of hope; the Church can only (to refer to current issues) consider as eternally valid and paradigmatic its concordat with fascism.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: In the United States, during my very brief stay, I lived for several hours in the clandestine climate of struggle, of revolutionary urgency, of hope that was that of Europe in 1944 and 1945. (…) I followed a young black trade unionist who led me to the section of his movement, a small movement that only counts in Harlem a few hundred members – and who fights black unemployment; I followed him to one of his comrades, a mason who had had an accident at work and who welcomed us lying on his poor bed, with the smile of friend, accomplice and full of the love our resisters had and that we have forgotten.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: I want to say that if I am a Marxist, this Marxism has always been extremely critical of official Communists, especially with regard to the PCI; I have always been a minority outside the Party since my first book of poetry, The Ashes of Gramsci.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: When there is nothing left of the classical world, when all of the peasants and craftsmen are dead, when industry has made the cycle of production and consumption turn relentlessly, then our story will be over.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: I am not Catholic ideologically and I am not a believer, so I do not see why my rationalization of the irrational must be Catholic, my rationalization is Marxist.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: The fever of consumption is a fever of obedience to an unspoken order. Everyone, in Italy, feels the degrading anxiety of being like the others in the act of consummation, of being happy, of being free, because that is the order that each one has unconsciously received and to which he “must” obey if he feels different. Never has difference been such a frightful fault, as in this period of tolerance. Equality has not, in fact, been conquered, but is, on the contrary, a “false” equality received as a gift.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: The responsibility of television is enormous, not, of course, as a technical medium, but as an instrument of power and as power itself. Because it is not only a space through which messages circulate, but is also a message-processing center. It constitutes the space where a mentality is realised which, without it, would not know where to house itself. It is through the spirit of television that the spirit of the new power concretely manifests itself. There is no doubt (the results prove it) that television is authoritarian and repressive, as no other means of information in the world has ever been.…

Pier Paolo Pasolini: The bourgeois – let’s say it with wit – is a vampire, who is not at peace until he has bitten the neck of his victim for pure, natural and familiar pleasure, to see her become pale, sad, ugly, lifeless, twisted, corrupt, worried, guilty, calculating, aggressive, terrorizing, like him. (…) The time has come to recognize that it is not enough to consider the bourgeoisie as a social class, but as a disease; henceforth, to regard it as a social class is even ideologically and politically an error (and that even through the purest and most intelligent instruments of Marxism-Leninism). In fact, the history of the bourgeoisie – by means of a technological civilization, which neither Marx nor Lenin could have foreseen – is about to concretely coincide with the totality of world history.…

Major Service Notice, USpol

It's with a heavy heart that I'm letting y'all know that I'm disabling open-registrations and *encouraging* all users to find a new home.

I'm not kicking anyone off my server, but unfortunately due to the political situation here in the US the chance for things to go *very bad very quickly* I can not vouch for this server as reliable.

I live in Texas and need to figure out plans to evacuate at this point. I was holding out hope that we'd at least have status quo (as monstrously awful as it is) for longer.

And to make things worse, I'm a trans-woman, they actively want to make my very existence (let alone presence online) illegal and have been building the machinery to make that a very fast process once Trump assumes office.

So I do not recommend this server any longer for those reasons, if you choose to stay I'll continue to run it and support y'all.

Pier Paolo Pasolini: Who gave us – both young and old – the official language of protest? Marxism, poetry and the memory of the Resistance, which revives the thoughts of Vietnam and Bolivia. Why do I regret the official language of protest that the working class, through its bourgeois ideology, has given me? Because it is a language that never forgets the idea of power and is therefore always practical and reasonable. But are not pragmatism and reason the same gods who have made our bourgeois fathers mad and idiots? Poor Wagner and Nietzsche!…

Lenin: Materialism is the recognition of "objects in themselves", or outside the mind; ideas and sensations are copies of images of those objects.…

Comrades, if you stop receiving posts from one of our accounts, please visit our website to check the available accounts.…