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Erich Honecker: Nevertheless, at the end of my life I have the certainty that the GDR was not founded in vain. She sent a signal that socialism can be possible and better than capitalism.…

Friedrich Engels: The state is nothing but the organised collective power of the possessing classes, the landowners and the capitalists as against the exploited classes, the peasants and the workers. What the individual capitalists do not want, their state also does not want.…

Sorry for the downtime

Housing situation has been a pain, still on the temporary server environment and been hitting major resources bottlenecks.

I'm hoping to get a place sooner, but I've hit some roadblocks that very likely will push it drastically further out... in which case I'll need to spend more money on this environment to return things to stable.

Reminder that I'm covering this entirely out of my own pocket and these constraints are because I'm between homes and can't use my own much cheaper hardware. If you appreciate this instance I would very much appreciate a donation.