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Recently my daughter (14) opened up about how she feels and is. Long story short, I have reached out to UK mental health services (CAMHS) and the school, and am now likely on a waiting list for ages. She has anxiety, panic, hearing voices, and also presents many spectrum signs. Does anyone have any resources to help give her reasurance / advice, or help narrow down possibile diagnosees to help me signpost her to relevant resources? I and my son (her brother) are also ASD, but she does not find the same strategies helpful. Sorry for so many words, but thanks for reading @actuallyautistic #asd #autism #mentalhealth

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in reply to Mind Shambles

About the "hearing voices" aspect, many people find that alarming but it's not necessarily something to be concerned about.

You may find this resource helpful

in reply to Zumbador

@Zumbador @Mind Shambles Oh, wow! this is a great resource! I feel better hearing about this because I've heard some weird shit in the shower or at night alone.

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