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The willful obtuseness needed to hear "sex is a social construct" and think people mean "I don't believe chromosomes exist" and not "our attempts to define a 'sex' that can function as way to organize humanity into two distinct halves with differing social roles is, obviously, a cultural artifact and a problematic one at that"

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in reply to lynn / clarissa

okay here's an example of how sex is a social construct:

testosterone isn't the Horny Hormone

that's entirely a myth, a just-so story that fits our current patriarchal narrative of sexuality (i.e. "men want it, women gatekeep it") which wasn't even the same narrative a couple hundred years ago when women were considered prone to passion and lust

it's true that your T being too low can affect libido but that's also true of estrogen and is true for everyone

every story we try to tell about what biological sex is and means will recapitulate our gendered understanding of cis people

T. T. Perry reshared this.

in reply to lynn / clarissa

Content warning: more blunt talk about bodies and sexual function

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Content warning: RE: more blunt talk about bodies and sexual function

in reply to Hazelnoot

Content warning: RE: more blunt talk about bodies and sexual function

in reply to lynn / clarissa

Content warning: RE: more blunt talk about bodies and sexual function

in reply to Philippa Cowderoy

Content warning: RE: more blunt talk about bodies and sexual function