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Got some questions about a critique I gave on this app last night about the EULA acceptance screen, so I figured I'd break this out. Do you have any opinions on these methods for mandatory legal agreements before using a product/service? I made a quick mockup representing their current design and the type of design I argued for.

Curious to hear from law people and non-law people about this.

Nobody asked for this, but I just signed up for insurance with State Farm and I already have some strong thoughts and feelings about their app design.

This is an impromptu design critique because I cannot turn this part of my brain off. This is a curse.

in reply to sam henri gold @ config

We had a "discussion" (spanning 2 months) with our legal team on such consideration, what happens is company relied a bit too much on lengthy Terms & Conditions to hide things, therefore rending the user consent useless. We had to push clear consent about data collected and usage upfront while keeping all the rest under links for Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy.
Unknown parent

sam henri gold @ config
@timroesner Most people won't read the terms at body size, either 🫣