Enver Hoxha: In Europe and throughout the world there are innumerable philosophers and men of letters that have made a myth of the superiority of men over women. For them man is strong, courageous and a fighter, therefore, he is wiser and predestinated to dominate, to direct, whereas woman, on her part, is by nature weak, defenseless, timid, therefore she must be ruled and directed. Bourgeois theoreticians like Nietsche and Freud, uphold also the theory that the male is active while the female is passive. This reactionary, anti-biologic theory leads, in politics, to nazism, in sexology, to sadism. Our mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers have languished under this harsh bondage, they have borne these corporeal and spiritual pangs on their own sore shoulders. Now when the revolution has triumphed, when socialism is being successfully built in our country, the Party sets forth for us the complete and final liberation of woman from the fetters of the bitter past as a major, as one of the greatest tasks, it sets forth for us the complete emancipation of women. wordsmith.social/protestation/…