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This goes out to the other #trans people in the Fediverse, let's destroy the myth that "you're too old" to start transitioning later in life. I started hormones when I was 35 and my changes have been amazing.. old were YOU when you started your transition or HRT?

Please boost for visibility :)


in reply to Ten :verified_trans:

Social transition started at age 28. Top surgery at 31. Haven't started HRT yet because I'm still anxious about it.
in reply to Ten :verified_trans:

I started my social transition in my late 20s and my HRT in my early 30s. I changed my name and gender marker in my mid 30s. I've been re-coming-out as more openly nonbinary in my late 30s.
in reply to Ten :verified_trans:

I came out as trans when I was 23, but I didn't start testosterone until last year - a full 10 years later!