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Take precautions:
#Meta joins the #Fediverse

Today, I have reposted toots about the many data abuses #Meta has already committed.

Alas, my instance,, has not responded what they intend to do about #Project92, aka #Threads (i.e. #defederate).

The #CJEU's published a damning ruling on 07/05/23 that all its practices regarding data collection contravene #GDPDR.

I have therefore decided to at least block the presently over 2.500 instances that...

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

(2/n) #BlockMeta

...are #Meta.

One user, @MOULE, has been very helpful in providing a list of the #Meta domains known so far and a simple procedure to import the #MetaBlockList into your #Mastodon account on a computer as a *USER*.

As there are several posts and I think images are sometimes more helpful, and added a step. I have re-written his method, that I have just used myself.

Here's how to #fediblock #Meta in your account:

1) Download the current list of known #Meta domains from...

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to HistoPol (#HP)



2) On Mastodon, go to Preferences > Import and Export > EXPORT.

There, save all your current list and request an archive of your content(!).

(This is important, if you ever need to restore the current state.)

3) On Mastodon, go to Preferences > Import and Export > Import.

4). For input type select "Domain blocking list".

(Make sure you have that selected and do not overwrite...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)


...something else!)

5). Upload blocked_domains.csv.

6) Click "Merge" so is added to your block list. Do NOT click "Overwrite"!

7). Click "Upload"!

8) I'd suggest to repeat this process at least once a weak, better daily for the next couple of weeks until things pan out with #meta

Good luck!

Also, there are serious reasons...


I think I found the domain name of #threads, #Meta's new #Fedi-enabled service, also codenamed #Project92, #P92, and #Barcelona.

IPv6: 2a03:2880:f231:c5:face:b00c:0:43fe (note "face:b00c")

Looking up returns #Instagram's logo, the title "Barcelona" and "this page isn't available" (probably because it's not open yet).

I'd recommend every #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin in the #FediPact to #FediBlock them before they go live on the #Fediverse!

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to HistoPol (#HP)



...we should not repeat the mistakes two other open-source platforms made with two other US tech giants, #Microsoft and #Google:

👉*"How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)"*👈

/END (to be continued)


This insightful article should be read by every regular user of any #Fediverse platform.

Via #LionelDricot, developer and #SciFi writer, @ploum

"How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the #Fediverse)"

In his blog, he shows from his own experience how #Google and #Micosoft first embraced new FOSS protocols (like #ActivityPub), then extended it, finally deserted it leaving it languishing in a niche.

Also: #META's intentions in a leaked e-mail.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)