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Just finished rewatching the 1972 musical "Cabaret", about three friends and lovers in the waning days of the Weimar Republic.
Found this when checking in for the evening:…

Don't really have any other way to say this than

#trans #TransRights #usa

in reply to Trans Rescue

I keep debating this, and I feel like people with resources need to stay to help others that don't have resources. Either to get out or survive...
in reply to Pandora

If you stay you make one more person we have to help get out when it's harder. Please get to safety, THEN help others. Armies, even guerrilla ones, have a front and a rear.
If you're stupid brave and not stupid, become a volunteer for us. First thing we'll ask is that you get out.
If we send you back in, it'll be for a reason, not just to die.

#trans #TransRights #usa