Octave Mirbeau: Sheep go to slaughter. They say nothing, and they hope for nothing. But at least they don't vote for the butcher who will kill them and the bourgeois who will eat them. More stupid than beasts, more sheep-like than sheep, the voter appoints his butcher and chooses his bourgeois. He fought revolutions to win this right. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Ho Chi Minh: Everyone has good qualities and bad qualities. Each person has both good and evil in his/her heart. But, good and evil are not a natural phenomenon, they are largely the result of education. Therefore, the revolutionary must know how to cause the good in human beings to blossom like flowers in spring time and to gradually reduce and eradicate evil. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Russell Brand: I say us - obviously I don't vote as I believe democracy is a pointless spectacle where we choose between two indistinguishable political parties, neither of whom represent the people but the interest of powerful business elites that run the world. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Charles de Gaulle: Russian people will never be happy knowing that injustice is being done somewhere. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Winston Churchill: I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. But perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Bertolt Brecht: Art is not a mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Lenin: No mercy for these enemies of the people, the enemies of socialism, the enemies of the working class. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
René Maran: Civilization, civilization, pride of the Europeans and charnel-house of innocents. You build your kingdom on corpses. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Hitler: In general the art of all truly great national leaders at all times consists among other things primarily in not dividing the attention of a people, but in concentrating it upon a single foe. The more unified the application of a people's will to fight, the greater will be the magnetic attraction of a movement and the mightier will be the impetus of the thrust. It belongs to the genius of a great leader to make even adversaries far removed from one another seem to belong to a single category, because in weak and uncertain characters the knowledge of having different enemies can only too readily lead to the beginning of doubt in their own right. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Nikola Tesla: Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Gramsci: The superstructures of civil society are like the trench-systems of modern warfare. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Che Guevara: The cadres of our Party must be first in study, first in work, first in revolutionary enthusiasm and first at the moment of sacrifice. The cadres of our Party must be, at all moments, better, purer, and more humane than the rest. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Claude Levi-Strauss: The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Che Guevara: As Marxists we have maintained that peaceful coexistence among nations does not include coexistence between exploiters and the exploited. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Lenin: Let the corrupt bourgeois press shout to the whole world about every mistake our revolution makes. We are not daunted by our mistakes. People have not become saints because the revolution has begun. The toiling classes who for centuries have been oppressed, downtrodden and forcibly held in the vice of poverty, brutality and ignorance cannot avoid mistakes when making a revolution. And, as I pointed out once before, the corpse of bourgeois society cannot be nailed in a coffin and buried. The corpse of capitalism is decaying and disintegrating in our midst, polluting the air and poisoning our lives, enmeshing that which is new, fresh, young and virile in thousands of threads and bonds of that which is old, moribund and decaying. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Georgi Dimitrov: American fascism tries to portray itself as the custodian of the Constitution and 'American democracy'. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Enver Hoxha: What is bourgeois democracy in reality? It is a form of the domination by the bourgeoisie, while the rights and freedoms, though proclaimed “for everybody”, have an utterly formal and deceptive character, because in the conditions of the existence of private property, the socio-economic means which would ensure the actual implementation of these rights and freedoms do not exist. This bourgeois democracy allows you to criticise this or that person in the papers, at meetings, or in parliament, you are allowed to criticise the party in office or the government in power, you can talk on and on, but you can change nothing, you must confine yourself to words only, because the capitalist economic and political power with its apparatus, is ready to hurl itself brutally upon anyone who opposes the ruling class, the financial oligarchy, in deeds. Recalling the severity of the French bourgeoisie in its onslaught against the workers, after the June 1848 uprising, F. Engels wrote: “It was the first time that the bourgeoisie showed to what insane cruelties of revenge it will be goaded the moment the proletariat dares to take its stand against the bourgeoisie as a separate class, with its own interests and demands”. Can we call the form of bourgeois power which relies on the principle that the majority must submit to the minority “democracy” ? Absolutely not. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Lenin: The liberal bourgeoisie grant reforms with one hand, and with the other always take them back, reduce them to nought, use them to enslave the workers, to divide them into separate groups and perpetuate wage-slavery. For that reason reformism, even when quite sincere, in practice becomes a weapon by means of which the bourgeoisie corrupt and weaken the workers. The experience of all countries shows that the workers who put their trust in the reformists are always fooled. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Che Guevara: The amount of poverty and suffering required for a Rockefeller to emerge, and the amount of depravity entailed in the accumulation of a fortune of such magnitude, are left out of the picture, and it is not always possible for the popular forces to expose this clearly. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
James Connolly: That labour movement of the future, as well as the socialist movement of today must, indeed, draw inspiration from the successes of our comrades abroad, but must also shape its course to suit the conditions within our own shores. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Oscar Wilde: If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
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Nikita S. Khrushchev: Our Party will mercilessly crush the band of traitors and betrayers, and wipe out all the Trotskyist-Right dregs.... The guarantee of this is the unshakable leadership of our Central Committee, the unshakable leadership of our leader Comrade Stalin....We shall totally annihilate the enemies — to the last man — and scatter their ashes to the winds. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Malcolm X: The greatest weapon the colonial powers have used in the past against our people has always been divide-and-conquer. wordsmith.social/protestation/…
Robert Green Ingersoll: Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery. wordsmith.social/protestation/…