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Mao Zedong: Far from being a minor issue, the struggle against this revisionist line is an issue of prime importance having a vital bearing on the destiny and future of our party and date, on the future complexion of our party and date, and on the world revolution.…

Xi Jinping: According to Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, communism will eradicate the opposition and differentiation between classes, between urban and rural areas, between mental labor and physical labor; it will adopt the principle of distribution from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs, so as to achieve shared development of society and the free and well-rounded development of individuals in the real sense. Of course, there will be a long trek through history to reach this goal. China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will long remain so. Therefore, we cannot do what is premature, but this does not mean we should do nothing in realizing shared prosperity step by step. Instead, we should start to do what is appropriate to the current conditions, accumulating small successes and moving towards prosperity for all.…

Andrei Zhdanov: A riot of mysticism, religious mania and pornography is characteristic of the decline and decay of bourgeois culture. The 'celebrities' of that bourgeois literature which has sold its pen to capital are today thieves, detectives, prostitutes, pimps and gangsters.…

Malcolm X: They attack the victim, and then the criminal who attacked the victim accuses the victim of attacking him. This is American justice. This is American democracy and those of you who are familiar with it know that in America democracy is hypocrisy.…

Ho Chi Minh: Only in a socialist system are the interests of the individual, the state and the collective at one. That is why only a socialist constitution can encourage the citizens to fulfill enthusiastically their duties to the society and the fatherland.…

Charu Majumdar: The slogan—"Kashmir is an inalienable part of India"—is given by the ruling class in the interest of plundering. No Marxist can support this slogan. It is an essential duty of the Marxists to accept the right of self-determination by every nationality.…

Harry Braverman: A class cannot exist in society without in some degree manifesting a consciousness of itself as a group with common problems, interests and prospects.…

Paul Robeson: I belong to the American resistance movement which fights against American imperialism, just as the resistance movement fought against Hitler.…

Ho Chi Minh: The American government and its allies are the real terrorists in the world today. They use their military power to invade, occupy, and destroy other countries, and to impose their will on the people. We will not bow down to their tyranny, we will stand up and fight for our rights and our dignity as a people.…

Muammar Gaddafi: They will create the viruses themselves and sell you the antidotes. Thereafter, they will pretend to take time to find the solution when they already have it.…

Friedrich Engels: (T)he abolition of private property is the shortest and most significant way to characterize the revolution in the whole social order which has been made necessary by the development of industry; it is rightly advanced by communists as their main demand.…

Erich Honecker: Study Marxism-Leninism, learn from history, take the revolutionary experiences of the generations before you, and follow their path with your own steps.…

Stalin: Officers and men of the Red Army! We are entering the country of the enemy. The remaining population in the liberated areas, regardless of whether they’re German, Czech, or Polish, shouldn’t be subjected to violence!…

Stalin: The right of self-determination means that a nation may arrange its life in the way it wishes...It has the right to enter into federal relations with other nations. It has the right to complete secession. Nations are sovereign, and all nations have equal rights.…

Lenin: All that glitters is not gold. There is much glitter and sound in Trotsky's phrases, but they are meaningless.…

Kim Il Sung: To become a communist mother and to become a socialist builder are inseparable. Idlers cannot become communist mothers. To become a communist mother, a woman should, first of all, participate with enthusiasm in socialist construction. Only by taking an active part in socialist construction can she keep abreast of ever-developing realities and quickly acquire communist ideology. In our country today there are more than a thousand women university graduates who do not work but just idle away their time at home. University graduates are virtually under a legal obligation to work for more than five years. The state did not give them a university education for the purpose of having them look after children and cook meals at home. Since women university graduates do not take jobs, cadre-training institutions have even hesitated to admit women students. It goes without saying that women should be given an education. Among women there should be many with master of science degrees and with doctorates. But no woman has yet received a doctorate. This is a matter of regret. Greater numbers of fine women cadres should be trained in all the political, economic and cultural fields. Many of our women think that giving birth to children and keeping house is more useful than going out into the world and doing important jobs. They always tease those who get married late and gossip about those whose marriage is delayed because of studies. The Women’s Union should carry out a powerful ideological struggle against these negative attitudes. We do not mean that we are opposed to women getting married and having children. This is a natural and good thing. What is bad is the false notion women have that learning and everything else they do are for the purpose of getting married and giving birth to children. Women can and should become masters of science or receive doctorates by continuing their studies, even after they are married and have children.…

Che Guevara: We, practical revolutionaries, initiating our own struggle, simply fulfill laws foreseen by Marx, the scientist. We are simply adjusting ourselves to the predictions of the scientific Marx as we travel this road of rebellion struggling against the old structure of power, supporting ourselves in the people for the destruction of this structure, and having the happiness of this people as the basis of our struggle.…

Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Molotov: The October Revolution marked the beginning of the collapse of the capitalist system but for nearly three decades the Soviet Union was the sole Socialist country. After the Second world war there fell away from capitalism such European countries as Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, Yugoslavia. In the dependent and colonial countries the movement for national liberation is making giant strides. In spite of all obstacles, the democratic forces are growing and becoming tempered in the struggle against the forces of reaction in the capitalist countries. The international prestige of the USSR is continuously growing as the main bulwark of the democratic and anti-imperialist camp opposed to the camp of imperialism and aggression. Under the great banner of Lenin and Stalin our people are marching forward, looking back with satisfaction on the past years of heroic struggle and glorious victories and full of confidence in their future.…

Ernst Thälmann: Social fascism (that is, Social Democracy)... is the weapon-bearer of the fascist dictatorship. It is very difficult to maintain the line of separation between the development of a social fascist dictatorship when it has reached the stage, as in Germany, of a Social Democratic government using the most reactionary weapons of violence, and the methods of fascist dictatorship.…

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Conventional wisdom would have one believe that it is insane to resist this, the mightiest of empires, but what history really shows is that today’s empire is tomorrow’s ashes; nothing lasts forever, and that to not resist is to acquiesce in your own oppression.…

Enver Hoxha: No force, no torture, no intrigue, no deception can eradicate Marxism-Leninism from the minds and hearts of men.…

Arnaud Amalric: Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. (Direct translation: Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own. Variant: Kill them all; let God sort them out).…

Ho Chi Minh: The American government talks about democracy, freedom, and human rights, but in reality, they are only interested in advancing their own interests and expanding their empire. They support dictatorships and corrupt regimes around the world, as long as they serve their purposes. They are not interested in the well-being of the people, only in their own profits and power. A superpower cannot, by definition, be more concerned with human rights around the world than with maintaining its power. It all comes down to how much restraint that superpower is willing to exercise. Imagine China in a similar position. The impact of European and Anglo-American imperialism is undeniable. Their legacy is one of destruction, exploitation, and violence. But instead of owning up to their crimes, they use projection to shift the blame onto others. Their obsession with the criminality of others is a dangerous game fueled by stereotypes and labels that give them permission to act accordingly. It's a twisted logic that allows them to justify their atrocities and treat others inhumanely. But let's not forget the lessons of history. A comparison between the White colonizer and Chinese or Asian counterparts reveals stark differences in their approach to colonialism. The White colonizer left a trail of destruction and exploitation, while Chinese or Asian counterparts pursued more equitable partnerships with the communities they encountered. We cannot undo the past, but we can learn from it. We can recognize the harm caused by imperialism and work towards a more just and equitable future. It's time to hold those responsible for their actions and ensure that justice is served for all who have suffered.…