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Kim Jong-il: The masses are the teachers of everything and the creators of everything. A leader only acquires wisdom, leadership, and virtue by going among the masses.…

Kim Jong-il: Unlike in capitalist society where every realm of social life is based on individualism, a socialist society is a collective society where all the people work together sharing a common goal and common interests.…

Che Guevara: If I lose, it will not mean that it was impossible to win. Many were defeated trying to reach the top of Everest, and in the end Everest was defeated.…

William Z. Foster: (W)e face a tremendous educational problem in the sense that we have to help the masses of the American people understand that the United States has embarked on an imperialist policy aimed at domination of the world.…

Lenin: The proletarian revolution calls for a prolonged education of the workers in the spirit of the fullest equality and brotherhood.…

Martin Luther King, Jr.: It is time to cease muting the fact that Dr. DuBois was a genius and chose to be a Communist.…

Meridel Leseur: The artist must become voice, messenger, organizer, awakener, sparking the inflammable silence, reflection back to the courage and the beauty.…

William Z. Foster: So long as capitalism lasts war must continue to curse the human race. It is the historical task of the proletariat to put an end to this hoary monster. This it will do by destroying the capitalist system and with it the economic causes that bring about war.…

Mao Zedong: What should our policy be towards non-Marxist ideas? As far as unmistakable counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs of the socialist cause are concerned, the matter is easy, we simply deprive them of their freedom of speech.…

Charles Emil Ruthenberg: The role of the party is to be the battalion at the front leading the working class hosts forward against the enemy in spite of all persecutions, in spite of the efforts of the capitalists to destroy it, until the victory of the workers is won.…

William Howard Taft: US foreign policy may well be made to include active intervention to secure for our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment.…

Thomas Sankara: As revolutionaries, we don't have the right to say we are tired of explaining. We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us.…

Pavan Kulkarni: The capitalists want to hide from us the fact that their system is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. They want to hide from us that the workers are not just individuals but a class.…

Pavan Kulkarni: Our struggles, our reality, our dreams are erased by the capitalist media. They decide for us what stories will be told and how. Every day of existence of the capitalist media is a war on the people.…

Harry Haywood: The 'leftist' form of opportunism, ultra-leftism, covers itself with super-revolutionary rhetoric and phrase mongering, but inevitably leads to isolation from and disdain for the working class and its ability to make revolution.…

Julius Sello Malema: What is democracy to you might not be democracy to me. Don't impose your definition of democracy on us... Unlike capitalism, which is producing for the benefits of the boss and profit, socialism produces for all. There will never be a better democracy than a democracy that produces for human development.…

Kim Il Sung: The people are the masters of the revolution in each country. It is like putting a cart before the horse that foreigners carry out the revolution for them. The revolution can neither be exported nor imported.…

Lenin: The dictatorship of the proletariat means that the state uses its whole machinery of power to uphold and perpetuate “no-liberty” for the exploiters to continue their oppression and exploitation, “inequality” between the owner of property (i.e., one who has appropriated for himself certain means of production created by social labour) and the non-owner. That which, prior to the victory of the proletariat, seems merely a theoretical difference on the question of “democracy” inevitably becomes, on the day following victory, a question that is settled by force of arms. Consequently, even preliminary work in preparing the masses to effect the dictatorship of the proletariat is impossible without a radical change in the entire character of the struggle against the “Centrists” and the “champions of democracy “.…

Lenin: The dictatorship of the proletariat is the most determined and revolutionary form of the proletariat’s class struggle against the bourgeoisie. This struggle can be successful only when the most revolutionary vanguard of the proletariat has the backing of the overwhelming majority of the proletariat.…