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Caitlin Johnstone: People worry about having their freedom taken away at some point in the future because they don't understand how profoundly unfree we already are.…

Patrice Lumumba: It’s easy enough to shout slogans, to sign manifestos, but it is quite a different matter to build, manage, command, spend days and nights seeking the solution of problems.…

Muhammad Ali: They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father. … Shoot them for what? How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail.…

Che Guevara: I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all—you live in the belly of the beast.…

Che Guevara: Along the way, I had the opportunity to pass through the dominions of the United Fruit, convincing me once again of just how terrible these capitalist octopuses are. I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I won't rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated.…

Che Guevara: In the so called mistakes of Stalin lies the difference between a revolutionary attitude and a revisionist attitude. You have to look at Stalin in the historical context in which he moves, you don't have to look at him as some kind of brute, but in that particular historical context. I have come to communism because of daddy Stalin and nobody must come and tell me that I mustn't read Stalin. I read him when it was very bad to read him. That was another time. And because I'm not very bright, and a hard-headed person, I keep on reading him. Especially in this new period, now that it is worse to read him. Then, as well as now, I still find a Seri of things that are very good.…

Ayrton Senna: Wealthy men can't live in an island that is encircled by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give a chance to everyone, at least a basic chance.…

Joe Biden: I’ll paraphrase the phrase of my old neighborhood: The rest of the countries, the world is not a patch in our jeans, if we do what we wanna do, we need to do.…

Phoumi Vongvichit: The aim of 'aid' is to consolidate local reactionary forces to be used as props by American imperialists, and set up government cliques bound to the latter... For 'recipient' countries, American 'aid' is a noose round the neck of their people.…

José Martí: I carry it out-the duty of preventing the United States from spreading through the Antilles as Cuba gains its independence, and from overpowering with that additional strength our lands of America. I have lived in the monster and I know its entrails.…

Caitlin Johnstone: They don't just call Democrats "communists" and "Marxists" in order to attack Dems, they do it to disappear the entire giant expanse of political spectrum that exists to the left of the capitalist imperialist Democratic Party. They WANT you to think that's as far left as it gets.…

Ahmed Sèkou Tourè: In a capitalistic regime, all workers are compelled to suffer capitalist theft…it is a matter of a theft systemically organized, rationalized and authorized theft, legalized in terms of bourgeois law.…

Winston Churchill: I think the day will come when it will be recognized without doubt, not only on one side of the House, but throughout the civilized world, that the strangling of Bolshevism at its birth would have been an untold blessing to the human race.…

Mumia Abu-Jamal: The media, itself an arm of mega-corporate power, feeds the fear industry, so that people are primed like pumps to support wars on rumor, innuendo, legends, and lies.…

Ian Adams: The common elements of fascism - extreme nationalism, social Darwinism, the leadership principle, elitism, anti-liberalism, anti-egalitarianism, anti-democracy, intolerance, glorification of war, the supremacy of the state and anti-intellectualism - together form a rather loose doctrine. Fascism emphasises action rather than theory, and fascist theoretical writings are always weak.…

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.…

Lenin: (To Béla Kun) Please inform us what real guarantees you have that the new Hungarian Government will actually be a communist, and not simply a socialist government, i.e., one of traitor-socialists. Have the Communists a majority in the government? When will the Congress of Soviets take place? What does the socialists' recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat really amount to?…