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Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels - An das Meeting in Genf, einberufen zur Erinnerung an den 50. Jahrestag der polnischen Revolution von 1830

Reduced Performance / Reliability

One of the servers went down from hardware failure, thankfully since I run this across multiple boxes with failover it means the site is (obviously) still up.

It might occasionally get a little spotty on connection and especially on performance until that server gets replaced as it means the remaining server is a tad bit overloaded.

It'll probably be a few weeks unfortunately as I don't have the spare funds to pre-purchase a replacement (the protection plan I purchased will cover it, but I've got to mail off the unit, wait for the money, then wait for financial stresses to pass enough that I can order the replacement... then a good week or two delivery time after that)

Eduardo Galeano: Latin America is the region of open veins. Everything, from the discovery until our times, has always been transmuted into European—or later United States—capital, and as such has accumulated in distant centers of power. Everything: the soil, its fruits and its mineral-rich depths, the people and their capacity to work and to consume, natural resources and human resources. Production methods and class structure have been successively determined from outside for each area by meshing it into the universal gearbox of capitalism. To each area has been assigned a function, always for the benefit of the foreign metropolis of the moment, and the endless chain of dependency has been endlessly extended.

Eduardo Galeano: Veneration for the past has always seemed to me reactionary. The right chooses to talk about the past because it prefers dead people: a quiet world, a quiet time. The powerful who legitimize their privileges by heredity cultivate nostalgia. History is studied as if we are visiting a museum; but this collection of mummies is a swindle. They lie to us about the past as they lie to us about the present: they mask the face of reality. They force the oppressed victims to absorb an alien, desiccated, sterile memory fabricated by the oppressor, so that they will resign themselves to a life that isn’t theirs as if it were the only one possible.

Eduardo Galeano: The Latin American cause is about all a social cause: the rebirth of Latin America must start with the overthrow of its masters, country by country. We are entering times of rebellion and change. There are those who believe that destiny rests on the knees of the gods; but the truth is that it confronts the conscience of man with a burning challenge.

Eduardo Galeano: The Revolution is indeed living thorough the hard times of transition and sacrifice. The Cubans themselves have learned that socialism is built with clenched teeth and that revolution is no evening stroll. But afterall, if the future came on a platter, it would not be of this world.

Eduardo Galeano: In these lands we are not experiencing the primitive infancy of capitalism but its vicious senility. Underdevelopment isn't a stage of development, but its consequence. Latin America's underdevelopment arises from external development, and continues to feed it. A system made impotent by its function of international servitude, and moribund since birth, has feet of clay. It pretends to be destiny and would like to be thought eternal. All memory is subversive, because it is different, and likewise any program for the future. The zombie is made to eat without salt: salt is dangerous, it could awaken him. The system has its paradigm in the immutable society of ants. For that reason it accords ill with the history of humankind, because that is always changing. And because in the history of humankind every act of destruction meets its response, sooner or later, in an act of creation.

Eduardo Galeano: Whatever Latin America sells—raw materials or manufactures—its chief export product is really cheap labor.

Eduardo Galeano: The capitalist "head office" can allow itself the luxury of creating and believing its own myths of opulence, but the poor countries on the capitalist periphery know that myths cannot be eaten.